== Credits ==
This webapp brings together the work of many people. In particular:
; PCE (PC Emulator)
: Hampa Hug for his excellent [[PC emulator collection]]
; PCE.js
: [[James Friend]] for porting PCE to JavaScript
: The [[MAME]] team for their emulators
; Scripted Amiga Emulator
: Rupert Hausberger for his excellent [[Amiga emulator]]
: Juergen Buchmueller for the SALTO (Simulated ALTO)
; Emscripten and LLVM
: The [[Emscripten]] and [[LLVM]] teams for the cross-compilers.
; Peer.js
: For the WebRTC communication library used in the [[online games]] exhibit.
; Macintosh Garden
: For the excellent repository of [[vintage Macintosh software]]
; File Navigator Icons
: Everaldo Coelho, for the [[Crystal Clear]] icon set used in the navigator.
; UI Icons
: [[Modern UI Icons]] for the icons used window title bar.
; Flag Icons
: [[famfamfam]] for the flag icons
; w3schools.com
: For the [[online reference]] I used hundreds of times in the course of this project
; Apple Computers
: For the machine I grew up with and which inspired me to undertake this project.
; Website hosting
: This web museum is hosted at [[SDF Public Access UNIX System]]
PC emulator collection
James Friend
vintage Macintosh software
Crystal Clear
Modern UI Icons
online reference
SDF Public Access UNIX System
Amiga emulator
online games